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Ilum UI

Ilum UI helm chart config.


$ helm repo add ilum
$ helm install ilum-ui ilum/ilum-ui

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name ilum-ui:

$ helm install ilum-ui ilum/ilum-ui

The command deploys ilum-ui on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the ilum-ui deployment:

$ helm delete ilum-ui

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Common parameters

nameOverrideString to partially override ilum-ui.fullname template (will maintain the release name)""
fullnameOverrideString to fully override ilum-ui.fullname template""
replicaCountNumber of ilum-ui replicas1
nodeSelectorilum-ui node selection constraint
tolerationsilum-ui pods tolerations[]
affinityilum-ui node affinity

ilum-ui deployment parameters

imageilum-ui imageilum/ui:6.2.0
pullPolicyilum-ui image pull policyIfNotPresent

ilum-ui service parameters

service.typeilum-ui service typeClusterIP
service.portilum-ui service port9777
service.nodePortilum-ui service node port - required when type is LoadBalancer or NodePort""
service.clusterIPilum-ui service cluster IP - required when type is ClusterIP""
service.loadBalancerIPilum-ui service load balancer IP - required when type is LoadBalancer""
service.annotationsilum-ui service annotations{}

ilum-ui ingress parameters

ingress.enabledilum-ui ingress enabled flagfalse
ingress.versionilum-ui ingress versionv1
ingress.classNameilum-ui ingress class name""
ingress.tlsilum-ui ingress tls configuration[]
ingress.tls[x].secretNameilum-ui ingress secret name to apply for a single tls configuration entry
ingress.tls[x].hostsilum-ui ingress hosts list to apply for a single tls configuration entry
ingress.annotationsilum-ui ingress annotations in yaml /$2 "600m" "600m"
ingress.pathilum-core ingress path/(.*)
ingress.pathTypeilum-core ingress pathTypePrefix

ilum-ui initContainer parameters

statusProbe.enabledilum-ui ilum-core healthcheck flagtrue
statusProbe.imageilum-ui ilum-core healthcheck imagecurlimages/curl:8.5.0